*These posts are intended for those who want to level up their brain, body, and overall latticework.*
I'm glad you're here! Time is one of the most valuable things we can give. Today is where all the power will ever be and is so make use of this blog by coming back to it and ingraining how to level up in life. (A.k.a, instinctually, superhumanly, wildly, fit! Stay updated by subscribing, and make sure for sure for sure that you truly make it a great day!
"Your goals don't care how you feel."
Today's Blog Simplified
Living life truly without judgment of the things around you allows you to be fulfilled fully in the moment where all the power is. Time ceases, judgment, anxiety, pain, etc all ceases. Being paralyzed by indecision ceases and your left with the 100% habit. Your left with doing, being, taking action while everything else falls away. 100% of you is in.
Feeling is the Product of Well Oriented Thoughts
Having good thoughts = having good emotions you must feel and not be consumed by thoughts which like your heart beating never stop. Your body does the thinking for you by allowing you to feel. Feeling is unconscious thinking.
This is why you must be like water my friend says Bruce Lee also saying, "Feel don't think." Thinking is trying to control but when your present when you feel/fill the cup you live. You don't just do things you become things. Life is life not thinking. Don't pass time live time. Use time or lose it. Use it through feeling. Are bodies evolved through feeling. EQ is more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence verses innate. Did men have time to grieve, ponder, and ruminate when trying to deal with something that only requires feeling?
Babies go off feeling when they want to walk they do it without judgment of what others think. This feeling your way through life though gets shoved under the carpet as we get older for some reason. For some reason people live their life passing time just existing just wishing. You wish for things and they don't happen. You feel, pursue, and improve on things and they do happen. Accessing potential and activating your deepest parts of your brain that propel you foward comes through feeling not thoughts which are temporary. Thoughts make you want to control life while feelings make you want to do life.