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No More Obesity! By Using Your Subconscious

Writer's picture: Damian EisoldDamian Eisold

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

*These posts are intended for those who want to level up their brain, body, and overall latticework.*

I'm glad you're here! Time is one of the most valuable things we can give. Today is where all the power will ever be and is so make use of this blog by coming back to it and ingraining how to level up in life. (A.k.a, instinctually, superhumanly, wildly, fit! Stay updated by subscribing, and make sure for sure for sure that you truly make it a great day!

How to Use the Subconscious for Inevitable Success. (No More Obesity.)

"Knowing and not doing is the same as not knowing." -Dr. Suess

There is a difference between, "Yes I really would love this." and, "Yes I am really loving this." Using the subconscious has nothing to do with if, "It floats your boat." or, "I'll stick with it because it's easy." Using the subconscious is a matter of when and how not what. In a nutshell, you basically have to program the mind which is not the mind you presumably think you have control over day in and day out. The archaic subconscious day in day out is really the, "Mind."


Subconscious which dictates 90% of the things you do unconsciously like when you eat and how. Like how food is digested etc. Subconscious only knows the past, and the present. The past is how many thoughts? How many thoughts does it take and how fast do these past thoughts have to run in order to create this moment? (Whoa.. "Who ever figured out how to overcome our brains?" Did aliens give us this knowledge?) This, "past" is comprised of the 60,000 thoughts of yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. This past your operating on right now. The subconscious forms reality with many simultaneous thoughts really fast. How fast? Do you want to know how many thoughts the conscious vs. subconscious process a second? Starting with the powerhouse the subconscious powerfully processes 40 million bits of information a second while the conscious only processes about 40 bits of information a second.

Now that you understand the subconscious and how it fits us into reality to a certain extent based only on your previous thoughts is how your going to comprehend this or is it stays in the subconscious. P.S. the subconscious is weird meaning it doesn't know of time or even weirder when your dreaming by the way where your dream (thoughts come from) is your subconscious but when you are you cant look at a reflection of yourself in a mirror if you do you'll see someone else. This is probably a deep DNA subconscious survival emulating, adapting etc mechanism. If this blog doesn't make sense great because I know that it's probably reaching other parts of you brain. To often we get super stimulants from the whole world. Fake shorterm happiness blogs though are longterm peices of art that are meant to stick in your brain longterm. At least this is the quota I tell myself so I wont stop writing.

Today's Blog Simplified

When you read it makes sense but only if your not reading at a mediocre level albeit deep thinking and taking the time to absorb and use the information.

"All behavior is belief drivin." "Instead of telling yourself I'm not smart ask, "How am I smart." (Daily.) Have better positive daily beliefs so you can learn better. This may be common sense but it's not common practice.

"Genius leaves clues." so look for the clues and follow them don't settle for mediocrity.

"The life we live are the lessons we teach." Their so much ways to take in information and everyone has a different way of creating information for others therefore everyone has a different way of consuming information from others. The majority of people create information in a conscious sense so most people write dumbed down information that is not reiterated in text because it was originally written fancy. What I'm saying is that this fancy writing is what the conscious is comfortable with and it's just not gonna touch any subconscious programs. Fact or Fiction? Well think of a book that you read and the table of contents the 9 or how many ever contents in the book key points your remembered?This is not what this blog is about. This blog is meant to inspire and pull you through the information not apart.

"There is no learning without remembering." Reading with purpose, writing down one thing you learned from whatever you read regardless what it was because where you do anything is where you do everything. Developing the muscle you have to do reps you aint want to for growth etc. You really don't have to settle you can continue day by day becoming smarter and learning better models for how to conduct (learn) in life.


"The art of memory is the art of attention."

"The art of memory is the art of attention." Furthermore, "The art(when) of memory (subconscious conditioning.) is the art of attention (final subconscious condition.) Bam! You now know who and when to this subconscious thing! Oh looks like we haven't developed millisecond technology for learning quite as readily as I thought. If only are subconscious readily reached to where something just sticks to it and you don't have to spend your precious time reviewing, recalling, relating, and repeating to remember something subconsciously. The subconscious can pick up a millisecond photo flashed, but the conscious cant. Time is a factor our subconscious can grasp onto better than our conscious. Esoteric is what the subconscious character is happily feasible with. The old crump curmudgeon gatekeeper you can imagine the subconscious as. And the conscious as the to be curmudgeon gatekeeper in training. Training with a sense of grit not wit in the shallow end while the subconscious is training in the wit of the deep end.

The gatekeeper only allows aged things into the cemetery so you can't expect to change by reading a self improvement book because no habits or entering into the esoteric cemetery is going on. You may remember and have little habits that are formed from a self improvement book, but they're really just a hole the gatekeeper dug and is waiting to fill. The info from a non esoteric self improvement book doesn't get buried and locked in to your subconscious and therefore what dictates 90% of the things you do day by day because the holw just isn't filled in.

The gatekeeper as he lifts other tasks like carrying important thoughts, formulating dramatic experiences, telling your body to digest food. As he swiftly lifts his shovel knows how and that's why the subconscious keeps repeating the same thoughts, actions, and therefore habits in your day to day life. The subconscious does swiftly bury new thoughts therefore behaviors every so often, but there's no time. It's just not a thing that the subconscious is aware of so it keeps doing what it knows how to do. You ought to then abruptly preferably at the most abrupt time to where the subconscious is going to get programmed tell it whats up. It may take a while to teach your grandparents how to use this new thought (app) but oh boy do they get good at using these apps. Afterall most grandparents are retired and can use time wisely but just haven't been told (programmed) about what's up.

Vicariously counterintuitively tell the subconscious whatsapp. How things are going to go. Why things are going to go and the why behind the why. (Because the senile gatekeeper doesn't know when.) Not all holes are going to be filled in the same amount of time, but on average a habit takes 21 days to form and 40 days to have it created and feel comfortable. Know the thoughts you have and don't let them consume you, but rather counterintuitively let them be like a passing cloud. You have thoughts that are a big or small cloud, yet no matter the size of the cloud there will always be that blissful blue sky. No matter how many raindrops there will always be the pond. Eventually the clouds seize and eventually the rippling pond seizes.

Acknowledgement is firstly what needs to go down in order to know when. Secondly is breath. You must breathe and be relaxed in an alpha almost theta brainwave state albeit the subconscious gets programmed in a relaxed imaginative theta state in which when your a child your first seven years of life your in this imaginative state just consuming the world around you and it spills into your adult life because you have subconscious beliefs from childhood that prevent your true potential. Thirdly is release/understand the thought and transform it but by knowing the age you were and what or who gave you the thought. To release and transform this block you have you need to have a new positive emotion tied with the new belief and really if you just want to release the thought imagine a photo of it and that photo burning.

Furthermore use your programming state. (theta.) by imagining this thought on a television. There's a bunch of squiggly weird characters color movement overlapping this thought. It could be Dora doing cartwheels. Furthermore use your programming state (theta.) by continuing relaxing deep breathing and maybe even listening to theta frequencies which in studies have been proven to work for some people if they do breathing mixed with the frequencies, but if you dont breathe you still can be in a theta brainwave state just not as quickly as when you breathe. Listening to the same beats and doing the same daily breathwork has been shown to work. Are brain does latch unconsciously to smell, sight, sound around us. Imagine a windmill a beautiful meadow with a windmill and the thoughts that are coming just release onto the rutter of the windmill as it's spinning. Fourthly and most importantly repeat this daily and your brain will have a better system at dealing with old info.

How & When?

"The purpose of life is not about finding it, but creating it."

Subconscious knows past, and present. So you must consciously until it turns into the unconscious create your life not from the known from the unknown. You can never predict the future, but you can create it.

Tying This Lattice Work Together

Obesity isn't something you have it's something you do it's not physiological it's psychological. Obesity isn't having extra fat it's sending store fat signals to much. It's apart of a much bigger problem. "Where you do anything is where you do everything." Your internal world is a reflection of your external world. Your self talk is the program your body will run. Affirmations using theta brainwave states to your advantage. (a.k.a. playing affirmations of what you want to happen for your body the first hour of the morning and the first hour at night because this is when your in a theta downloading state.)

"Psychological, not physiological."

Psychological because when you're overweight you have an abundance of calories to tap into, so this means physiologically, biologically you don't need more storage of fat. (food.) Because your body won't need to use food it just will store it because your conditioned subconsciously that way. You only eat because your brain tells you. "Oh my stomach is growling." This is just "empty stomach feeling." A sensation not an indication of true hunger. The digestive noise in your belly is usually digestive liquid picking up leftover food. However if your brain was conditioned to where you eat only when you need to only when insulin is really low meaning you've been able to burn your fat for quite some time like while sleeping (eating fat for 8 hours) than you can store more fat. (eat.) Simpler put your brain is changed from I have to eat to I get to eat. Don't overthink this because are body is very adaptable and we are meant to eat are bodyfat for long periods, short, moderate etc and actual food which gets turned into body fat than when you sleep (fast) your eating that fat and that's why you don't dye when sleeping or not eating for days.

Physiological because, "All behavior is belief drivin." Once your body goes under or over it's set bodyfat point it will slow or speed up the metabolism to maintain homeostasis. This is why when people diet they after getting short term results gain the weight back because of this homeostasis (biological, physiological mechanism we have.) Physiological because are bodies are very intelligent and want to make of what we put into the machine most optimally henceforth fat storage. Simply put always rely on the biology not socialized (belief from manufacturers.) Tap into fat and make yourself fat adapted again by doing something very lifer prologning (biological) that being IF intermittent fasting. Consistency is key with this because you'll train your psychology and physiology to start using other energy sources like fat instead of food. Insulin will be lower and you because you'll become fat adapted will have lower leptin levels and not need to have a psychological or physiological emotional need to eat because you'll be tapping into adipose tissue which is usually 100,000 calories or more. This is why there's been numerous people legitimately that have gone a year and beyond without needing fat storage because they stored enough to last them over a year. We burn about 2500 cals or more of energy a day. Fat per pound is about 3500 cal a day so you would need to go multiple days to even use 1 whole pound of your fat for energy. Fat is about 9 cals while carbs is about 4 and protein about 6.

Physiological & Psychological?

You eat because your thinking equals dopamine which is a physiological hormone. The more sugar and fat addictive food you eat = the more dopamine and storing of fat you get. There would be no fun in eating if there wasn't dopamine involved. Once you start eating right connecting the brain and body properly physiology and psychology you start prosperously living. Understanding the physiology (subconscious) and it's limitless potential because remember time is not a variable with it we are capable of a lot. Nothing will be perfect. Are bodies now how to survive and thrive by naturally healing themselves. Undo years of bad subconscious beliefs tied with eating which just takes to much of our precious time on this planet. We consciously have, "precious." time, but unconsciously it's not a thing this is why we fail at a lot but can still succeed because not everything like failure goes to the subconscious. Live a whole life not a separated life train your gut and mind connection train the mind to feel alright with the food your putting in your stomach.

Think of solutions not physiologically like ohh my insulin is low now i'm gonna get a donut. But rather psychological as well like ohh I know that physiologically that sweet tastes good but psychologically I know that if the added sugar wasn't in the food it would taste like dirt. You don't want to taste dirt so keep your life connected. Solutions which require more than one problematic way of solving. Solutions is plural you must come up with something that on a subconscious level instinctually works. First you have a habit than that eventually becomes your instinct. When you are at school and drink from a water fountain you wouldn't want to continue it why? Well have you heard the saying or have even said, Be honest. "I hear it all the time." Or "I drink from the fountain all the time." What you can conclude from these sentences is that your not willing to change a habit that physiologically will not hurt you but psychologically well. How so? In the first two phrases they bring on only psychology and physiology because sooner or later the fluoride or dirt water will affect you and the swearing that you purposely listen to by making excuses to listen to swearing you get affected by. Why did I go off on that spell? Because where you do anything is where you do everything and your psychology (subconscious programs) will spill into your physiology.)

Truth, Subconscious Really Tells You.

"You can delegate what you don't know."

Look at the obvious signs start with your body when it comes to health. Look at the obvious signs start with what money your spending when it comes to wealth. Look at the obvious signs when it comes to love where your helping others and self. Look at the obvious signs when it comes to happiness like when am I not happy.

Truly master what your doing dont bunny hop from situation to situation. Especially when programming the subconscious. Be imaginative use music, visualization, affirmations, subliminal messaging, self inducing hypnosis, etc in a lifestyle. Training or getting better for this matter is not a destination but a lifestyle. I've used everything I just listed and one of the most powerful tools you can use that your physiology has that affects your psychology or vice versa is imagination than doing those things you imagined. Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Imagination goes hand in hand with hypnosis believe it or not hypnosis is downloading new information new beliefs that quickly work. And when your in your childhood years your in a state of hypnosis in a (theta) imaginative state. I imagine that I'm a superhuman capable of double flips side flips complex body movements and also loving to others also being an energy giver not coster around others etc. I imagine abundance and being able to adapt to uncomfortable situations. Abundance when it comes to food. How I've got shredded with my body is by using the subconscious. I don't need and I know not just dont need I know that all I have i already within and we don't need some existential force like food that's been processed to keep us thriving because I already have what I need (abundance) my fat to use for energy! Oh boy I really feel on top of my game day in day out seriously. I'm in a surplus always. Because are adipose tissue has 100,000 calories or more to tap into for energy.

"Less is more." -Bruce Lee

"Less is more splesh is galour." Well glad you finished one of my longest speel type blogs I've made. Programming the subconscious and doing that and not thinking about whats next or what needs to be simply just making a mindset that will hep you when your 60 years old listening to some of the best coaches in the world as you grow older Having your hands on one of many resources. Delving into 100's of more and even better books by reading this book I made, Confident Competence will mean no more obesity, or low self esteem these are two of the worlds biggest problems. We have this low self esteem or untapped human potential. Well what are you waiting for go and grab your hands on the Ebook. How are you gonna make to today better than yesterday? Have a great day! But seriously where's your notebook did you just read this whole blog and not use your second brain to your advantage (a notebook)

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