*These posts are intended for those who want to level up their brain, body, and overall latticework.*
I'm glad you're here! Time is one of the most valuable things we can give. Today is where all the power will ever be and is so make use of this blog by coming back to it and ingraining how to level up in life. (A.k.a, instinctually, superhumanly, wildly, fit! Stay updated by subscribing, and make sure for sure for sure that you truly make it a great day!
Overcome It!
What are you gonna do once you've overcame the wall? Your likely to hit another one so make sure your back in perspective your aligned with your view so you can fly over the wall that is small or big who knows? When it comes to flying over it what you need to do is keep focusing on positivity, solutions, and an endgame. You have to have these three criteria. You have to have both wings and a tail a total of three criteria to fly over the wall. The first is force of faith. The second and this is not hanging off the tail of the plane but the left wing is researching of questions. The third not being a magnifier glass cohesioned to the left wing but innovation on the right wing sliding from the end to the end of the wing. It's easier the more you do it just research what flip you need to improve, though before this you need to have faith a willingness a certainty that you will improve, and innovation where you practice what was preached to you while researching.
Today's Blog Simplified
When you have the blueprint and tools you can build. Though if you arnt aware of what you dont have you cant get it. You cant get what you dont ask for. You cant hit a target you dont see. Get over the great wall than through inversion. Always invert: vert means to turn. Think fowards and backwards. You dont have achievement you do achievment. Memory is not something we have it's something you do. Creativity is not something you have it's something you do. Life is not a noun but a verb!
Getting Over The Great Wall
Straight conscise way to get over the wall before I tell you how🔜 If your in a slump and cant wait to start hitting flips again. Innovate now do this nervous system training to strengthen your ankles for, "flips" This is a must if your a begginer or not at tricking use a band a hair band will work just some resistance to strengthen your ankles. It's in this, "video" The Flips video click on above for a ankle routine and the video in quotations click on for a mobility nervous sytem quick routine which is in the video just stay tuned.
Having the right fuels to get over the wall is imperative. Only do the things that fuel life that energize you how you do this is through inversion I'll give you a break from my style of writing and hand it over to a succesful disciple of Dean Grazios 🔜 "Make a don’t do list. What do you suck at? What do you not enjoy doing? What wastes time? What things are keeping you from reaching your goals? Transcribe all of it.
Now, if any of the above still needs to get done, ask yourself how you can automate, delegate, outsource, or replace each item.
Personally, I pay other people to clean my house, my whips, my pool, to do my landscaping, and even have healthy food delivered. My accountant does all the bookkeeping, payroll, and even logs into my accounts to pay taxes on my behalf. (I f*cking hate all that stuff!)
And while I waited until I was rich to hire most of it out, I wish I would’ve done it sooner. It wouldn’t have been hard. Cut out cable and one happy hour a month, and you’re even. Ya know?
Anyways, like Dean Graziosi says, when you do this, you’re left with only the tasks you enjoy that also make you money. How sweet is that?
If your having trouble getting over a wall right now do the why exercise: ask the why behind your why 7 times and you'll be left with a deep raw motivator or fuel. Intrinsic fuel will bring success not extrinsic fuel like from the others around you you'll run out of it. Success is a inside out game it's making the invisible visible. Know thyself: the parts of the plan that will get you over the wall. Ex.) If you’re afraid to market and sell, look into that. It could be a sign that you need to work on yourself, your product, or your service. (What are you not proud of?)