*These posts are intended for those who want to level up their brain, body, and overall latticework.*
I'm glad you're here! Time is one of the most valuable things we can give. Today is where all the power will ever be and is so make use of this blog by coming back to it and ingraining how to level up in life. (A.k.a, instinctually, superhumanly, wildly, fit! Stay updated by subscribing, and make sure for sure for sure that you truly make it a great day!
Why Start
-Unheard Health Benefits
-Do more with less energy need
-Never to late
-You have the right body to start
A baby feels excited when it gets up and falls and that's why it gets up. It stops crawling and starts walking. Though we never fully stop crawling, but we add on walking. Instead of trying to change your life all huffed, stiffed necked, and puffed just keep adding good things. Let the prosperous ever flowing pile of good things in life grow. If your board with traditional gym fit sessions that is just grueling and not to mention the diet which is the hardest workout of the day to keep consistent gains with the gruel gym. Start flipping and having variation therefore metabolic flexibility. Vibration platforms strengthen bone density and so does, "Gym Fit." session though your only strengthening your body while in the gym or using your home therapies. Flipping has health benefits that fly under the radar. Flipping allows you to see the world as obstacles and it's fun it doesn't cost money just energy. If you keep paying your energy giving it to the obstacles around you like by jumping from a rock to rock jumping from a bench to bench doing parkour stuff verses your traditional, "Gym FIt." session you'll be more sore the next day. The best piece of fitness advice in my retrospective is, "Do something you love to sweat about everyday." We have flexibility, mobility, strength, speed, and power goals etc. Though we don't act on these correctly because we never start and we expect change when true change is daily affirmations. Daily firing and wiring of thoughts. Daily gratitude etc. "All behavior is belief drivin."
Mastering Bodyweight
Starting to flip you'll be stricken with a body that needs to be elongated and contracted in ways you've never experienced. You'll have full range of motion in ways you've never experienced. Be creative start living and stop worrying don't label the things you do always if you don't eat breakfast and feel like working out don't label it a fasted workout. Your getting your energy from fat your body is always consuming and using energy or else you couldn't move! Just start jumping. Just start emulating and doing whats easy and hard. Based of prior wisdom not anxiety, or judgment just start doing certain things to the fullest in flow without so much weight and people that are renting space in your brain. After you've got a little comfortable with developing a life worth living. A life that make's you want to get out of bed in the morning a life that at least in my case invokes exuding amounts of energy. Invokes a sense of solution to a flip that I just wake up in the morning and finally conquer after having watched it for 2 weeks. Than you can get into the improvement parts of it. A inevitable plan for improvement. Just start. Just get conquer. You get to master you bodywieght. You get to engage type two muscle fibers and therefore your AMK1 gene which is responsible for healthy telomere length therefore you'll have healthy HGH, Testosterone, Leptin levels, Adreniline, etc You get to research and know your why 7x deep. You get to just put on your shoes just start a warmup and expect that than end up having the best unexpected flip session. You get to! You get what you deserve! You spend time deserving! You use time not pass time! If you don't use it you lose it!