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How to be naturally fit?

Damian Eisold

Updated: Jun 2, 2019

Understanding your biology is how to be naturally fit. We all are homosapians with the same insticts.

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It doesn't matter who you are there is a such thing as being naturally fit and it's easier than you'd thinik. Afterall it's natural and a lifestyle. Fitness is a lifestyle and not a destination. What your going to delve into today will awaken you to whats been hiding behind closed doors. Instincts are insticts and if your a human you have the same instinct to protect your baby as another homosapian would have a instict to breathe air.

No matter where your at in life your still a homosapian. If one homosapian breeds success so can you because success breeds success. If you suffer any ailment it's not that you have an ailment it's that you've been a subject having inficted this ailment on yourself. One of the systems in you body triggered the ailment you have or had. You don't have smartness you do smartness you dont have creativity you do creativity etc. so please be awakened and seize the moment don't let it seize you right now. "Right now is where all the power is and always is." What your going to learn is to be wildly fit and not domesticated by society fit. You know which one is better. So stop justifying your dreams and go execute them! Overcome obesity, depression, fatigue, soreness etc.! (click the bad terms because when you always do the bad things in life life becomes good, but when you always do the good things in life, life becomes bad.)

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