Depending on your body fat the reps don't have to be equal with each exercise do this challenge based on your longterm goals. What must you do everyday to work towards your longterm goals? This is a reps challenge!
Today's Blog Simplified
-increased strength (endurance is less rest you get rest with this)
-better form
-better efficiency
-fat loss
-be in a hunter and gatherers mode
-be ripped mentally, and physically
It's pressure that creates diamonds. See pains, negatives, struggles, judgment, anxiety as gifts. Open these fifts up see what's inside at a deep level and you'll find that it's hear to help you thrive. We've been given all the tools we need to heal, thrive, evolve, adapt, and be flexible. We have more recoil in are legs than kangaroos! We have more endurance than every land species. Yet in this plethra of prosperousness of transfoming we are the most intelligent species yet suffer the most diseases. Not because we are the most voluminousness in the animal kingdom, but in the sense that 2 out of 3 people are sick and being sick means your overweight. With this in mind where all the power is and will ever be is right now. WIth this in mind where your mind will ever be and thankful for all that is, will be, and am. I'll pick your brain on a challenge!
The Challenge
Get your tools out and follow this blueprint. The showdown tootin toolin blueprint is to work your way up to 2k a day of the most reps of any exercises. Like pullups, pushups, squats, dips, rows, jumps, box jumps, catrwheels, spins, scoot etc. Let the other things that you want to get better at that will hep your journey incubate in your mind your just not gonna come up with the best solution consciously hear but after it incubates in your powerful subconscious tommorow or in weeks you'll have a tenacity. Sets are the best way to do this. Through the day to for instance 4x 20 pushups and that would be a whole set. While resting your arms for 10-20 seconds after 20 pushups you can do squats. Just feel the day and do these things for a week to the pint where your sore and do it everyday. Than for the next week after your bodies adapted do 5x 20 pushups for a set. And keep progressing from their. Doing the math for this is only necessary after a month or two because thats how long it takes to get up to 2k reps a day. And don't let the easy math aspect, muscle aspect, time aspect prevent you from this challenge. You likely watch to much YouTube and consume to much in this day in age. Legitimately in the sense that if you for 3 days set timers! If you write down the activities you do every hour. If you write down the actives that take an hour you'll find that theirs much things that can be improved. I have 16 hours everyday to do something. I have 16 hours to create more than I consume. Success breeds success so if I use these hours so can you.
Are ancestors are who we are from a neurobiolgical, biological, and DNA standpoint. They had low level physical activity through the whole day they were in a sympathetic (SNS) focused hunter and gathtering mode most of the time. Their bodies didn't want to hold fat in this season. And if you send to your body the right signals you can not store fat but use the food you eat for muscle through triggering muscle growth signals throughout the whole day by greasing the grove. Please make sure you don't miss out on how to be in this ripped hunter and gatherers mode by greasing the grove by greasing the grove and going hear to my previous blog, "Greasing the Grove." (Making Flips Instinctual.) Only a select few people know this wisdom of the body and have made this a lifestyle and actually got healthier.🔜Turn food into muscle not fat by doing 30 seconds of high intensity training before a meal and a fast walk after.
Your goal could be most reps I can do with least amount of food or most rep and most food. In either case aminos need to be on point not just a deficit or surplus of food that wont all go to muscle. Your amino acids in your muscles get used up everyday especially if your exercising so to replenish the amino acids that you don't store you can get complete proteins like from eggs, fish, chia seeds etc. You can do one thousand kicks, jumps, flips, priming flips, jumping of a wall, and anything that trains your neuro connections. Make it a great day and eat at least two meals a day while doing all the reps because you can only use or effectively absorb 25 or so grams of protein a meal. It takes longer to digest protein than carbs and protein has a satiating effect on the body this is also why for me at least I try to eat 2 meals a day and I'm not hungry the first or second meal that I eat and am usually making a blog like this and sometimes I've went day's without eating and just focused in a deep flow of work got good sleep energy was good but performance not so. Besides this different topic make sure you give your body what it needs especially during a fun challenge. Just turn on a camera and record yourself doing the challenge and time lapse all the reps. Make things purposeful. Understand your biology more instinctually by reading up if your open minded to my previous blogs🔜 "Use Subconscious Power! Each One Teach One."