You gather wood, you gather food, and most importantly you gather air to maximize your bodies potential. Today learn how to be ancestrally fit, how to tune back into your instincts, how to be in a hunters & gathers mode for the majority of the day. We have hardware and software instincts that are meant for one style of life than a society that's very different.
I lift heavy things throughout the whole day and go on 2-3 walks while listening to a podcast or just the thoughts in my brain. I have a urge to flip a ton and jump a ton. but at the same time feel the need to write a blog like this. Cold submersion for me is usually not cold enough things aint intense enough. This is because I'm flowing with energy. I'm standing virtually the whole day accept for when I eat and meditate. I understand are ancestors most importantly.
At the end of the day a, "workout." should ALWAYS be optional. If your ancestrally fit this means you were in a hunters gathers mode the whole day and the day was your workout. Tuning into your instincts makes things less unsmooth. Your pulled through the day because you cant always push. Today take advantage of your instincts by continuing to learn the way not the leeway domesticated beliefs that are just stripping your ability to be energetic & biologically fit, but the hardware and software. The psychology, neurobiology, biomechanics needed.
Lets start with the biomechanics when it comes to this all you need to be aware of is that when the body moves the brain groves. Changing your physiology does effect your psychology. Confident physiology a good up right posture actually increases testosterone because your less stressed. Leaders usually test for less cortisol and more testosterone due to these 🔜 postures. These postures when held just for minutes can raise testosterone!
Lets continue with the neruobiology. We still are the same beings as we were 7 generations back with the same neurology, and biology. This means you must know how and when to use your brain. We usually operate from stress and this is just something that is apart of are hardware because for every 7 negatives we think of one positive. You can get out of this rut though and have true change. Once you realize that are, "fear center." the amygdala makes us think the way we do you can overcome it like with deep breathing, not doing activities like marathons that raise your cortisol way to high and make you gain weight.
When we give are body fat burning signals the body responds and the same vice versa. We're all messed up in this post industrial age with bodies that havent adapted to the fake food, light, chemicals, and overall environment. Most of the food we eat sends a winter is coming signal to are body. Although you go on diets because this post industrial age and cortsiol no matter how good it is because cortisol you won't get results. Because the monkey brain that we never stop and calm you wont get results. Same actions equals same results. You must calm the monkey forever rushing mind that always must be on to instruct the body by just letting the mind be for a few minutes. After this, "white space," you can get back to work. Your white space where you let your brain recuperate a few times throughout the day can be while walking with nothing on your mind but walking. Optimizing what you do when your not working is just as important for when you are working because where you do anything is where you do everything. Seriously learn about what white space is and why we need it especially to destress the constant rushing mind. (click the white space and rushing mind to tune into your instincts.)
I understand that we were hunter and gathers who never sat for a whole hour doing nothing. Are bodies are built to move throughout the whole day and motion creates emotion. My goal is to be able to move more and more do more and more help more and more contribute more and more. Be their always for those in need more and more, not get sick, amputated limbs, dementia, a.k.a. obese and diabetes which all stem from not doing the right motions. Biomechanics are very important and one thing I do to keep me standing all day and my hips nice and loose plus steel strong is squats. I hold a squat midair like I'm sittin in a chair eatin pairs with a bear, "Okay not entirley." But I'm holding this position at least 10 minutes a day. I periodically squat through the day. I periodically hang keeping my shoulders strong throughout the day. I periodically do flips. I periodically lift heavy things all throughout the whole entire day. Plus go for walks while learning or journaling everyday! By the end of the day with all this done a dilly me working out is a option. Lately because I've been studying the difference between adults and kids I realize that kids to have maximum growth must raise their GH and how you do that is not by sitting all day but lifting heavy things and doing Hiit work 3x and in my case even more every week. I've been lifting or working out every other day along with greasing the grove. (periodically exercising through the day.) It isn't exactly what are ancestors did, but I'm using ancestral wisdom like, "You must walk and lift heavy things because walking improves working memory by 60% and lifting heavy things keeps your telomere's long meaning you'll live longer!" I'm using it to my advantage and you can to. Emulating are ancestors and what they did like use their fat for mile long hunting sessions for fuel. Or use their fat to fast for long periods of time etc. I've worked with Health Instincts to make videos that benefit your mind, body, spirit, and most importantly when it comes to maximizing flips your biology or instincts. Health Instincts has easy bite sized videos that can help you tremendously no matter who you are. Go here to check it out!
Understand that we had feast and famine cycles which are body loves. We had to do sprints which is great for longevity and so much more you need to understand to truly be biologically fit. Understand are subconsious which just wants us to keep doing the same thing. Just keep surving. Just keep brushing the teeth with the same hand. Just keep pooping the same way. Okay you get the point. So you need to get out of your own way and start bio hacking. Start knowing what work based on are biology. How you can be more energetic and take hold fast and give this thing your wanting to hold onto fast time to evolve is by going to Ben Greenfields site and truly living the good life. Also make sure to always stay in a hunter and gathers SNS fat burning focused mode by going over to Ben Greenfields site and by seriously these especially the subconscious blog, checking them out.👇
"We had to run from predators and if you don't your body will backfire on you." A.K.A (if you don't do something high intensity every week your dying quicker because your not using your bodies biology to it's fullest.)