If you consistently flip, your body will develop a better resistance to oxidative stress and therefore you'll be better equipped to burn fat. Better equipped with fat burning hormones turned on. Better equipped with more muscle which mean more calories you need to maintain your muscle which is a good thing. All these things are good and you ought to continue reading to figure out how and when to use this information!
Flipping studies show it burns 1 calorie for every flip under a second. Basically and more importantly you burn more calories the longer you workout so your backhandspring could be burning 2 calories if you've been flipping for 10 minutes already. Doing Hiit (high intensity interval training.) can burn 450 calories with just a 20-30 minute session and the objective with this training should be intensity. Massive intensity every time. You'd go hard on flips or jumping, stairs, eliptical, squats, jumping jacks, my favorite burpees, for 30 seconds etc. Than you'd take a full recovery break and repeat this interval for 7 times. The full recovery is important because you'll get the most bang for your buck if your able to keep going every 30 seconds 110% If you've been flipping for 10 minutes your doing aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic physical activity and as long as you got some fuel like peanut butter, eggs, and chia seeds your not gonna lose muscle from intense cardio that your doing since peanut butter, eggs, and chia seeds have the amino acids your muscle needs everyday to be maintained. If you can do 40 pushups, 40 cart wheels with good and not good form to the point of failure etc. Than everyday 7 times a day for faster results do half of your max. While doing half of 40 push ups you'll be able to maintain good form and become more efficient at the move.
Lose Fat?
If you do intense training 2-3x a week your body will like you. Your hormones will be optimized. Your body will be leaner and stronger. You'll be more resistant to stress, and a better flipper. On days your not doing the intense bursts of flips. Intense hucking and failing. Intense suck days these day's you'll have with flip. Instead work on perfecting easy moves and flip throughout the whole day because your gonna be to stressed training everyday at 100% I don't know if this is me or not, but I've found that you get strong and lean flipping. I believe it's because your working all your muscles and your getting lymph fluid to all the body which means more detoxing or using of fatty acids. I could tell you more nerd stuff, but the point here is that Gymnastics moves are the mother of all human experience. The goal of working out is not to workout for the sake of working out but to be there for loved ones by staying healthy. Bodybuilding, crossfit, acrobatics, are just the baby of gymnastics and if you really want to be superhuman do superhuman challenging things like gymnastics. Don't sit on a chair and just move your biceps instead work your biceps with planche or fliping stuff. (my YouTube channel)
Do the best for you and make a plan. The best for you is what you can start right now and not want to do in a few days but you do it anyways. The best for you is completing the ultimate workout of the day which is eating for awesome wellness and tenacity, vibrancy, and energy. A.K.A. eating what you planned to eat and being thankful for everything that it took to get the healthy food on your plate and chewing it a ton for best digestion and satiation is the workout you need to start on. The best for you is doing whats hard first like waking up and knocking down whatever you dislike or thats hard. The best for you is reminding yourself that 80% of your overall health is based on what you consume and 20% is on what you create or use.(exercise)
Start on strengths because you can only build on strengths whether you like it or not. Start a community or join a community that preps meals together, does obstacle courses, encourages eachother for months and makes things a habit for eachother, fights for eachothers causes, and most importantly helps others. Get this book if you think you don't have enough money to give your body what it needs. Also if you don't have the mind, body, and overall integrated lifestyle you want read these blogs especially this one which I recently made "🔜Use Subconscious Power! Each One Teach One."Speaking of training&fatloss check out the previous blogs and dont forget to subscribe also if you need some confidence click here.