Today learn the proper use of the fail. Fail to plan. See to it that no really successful person has had more success' than failures. Today is the best day. Today is the opportunity of opportunities to get better. Invert always invert Charlie Munger wisely says. You must think fowards and backwards. You must know the intangibles and tangibles. The reconciling evidence and the dis concerning evidence. Men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories.
Just get back up and just try again and just try your best no you ought to know what happened and invert from their think fowards and backwards know your dang subjects in school their all meant to be learned in order that you use them in life upon, "cost benefit analysis." In order to effectively do, "cost benefit analysis." in life you must know your permutations, algebra, hard science, physics, sociology, etc Don't be disabled by ignorance instead learn something everyday that you know you can maintain tomorrow and the rest of the days hallelujah. 🎵Forever oh all my days hallelujah🎵
If failure is not an option success is not a option. Get a dang book of achievement if you have to and in this book write down promises to yourself for the year and go over these promises everyday for a minimum of 21 days until their fully ingrained in your head. Grain needs time to grow so stay consistent. After every challenge or hour long activities throughout the day write down how it felt and what you accomplished. This book of achievement you can look back on whenever you need a push toward your longterm goals. Often time thinking about the future brings anxiety, but bringing into fruition your past accomplishments gives momentum in the present moment. 98% of the things we think are gonna happen the way we think don't!
If you always do what no one is willing to do you'll always get what no body is willing to. "You don't get what you want you get what you deserve." Finally Kaizen life and make failure your friend were your not afraid of criticism. Not afraid of embarrassing yourself. Not afraid of being so dang uncomfortable. Every failure is like another step you can add to a staircase to reach success. When you fail all you can do is move on. Life is summed up in these three words, "Life goes on." Cross the day and don't be crossed. Enough of this mindset picking of your brain. Make much of these words. Make much of the breathe. Your breathe. Make much of breathe for ultimate Pareto efficiency: a win win on both sides by checking out this previous blog on what I do in tough times. And program the subconscious so you can start flipping over the obstacles of the day without stressful conscious power but 40 million times stronger power right here "🔜Use Subconscious Power! Each One Teach One."