How to be on top of things. How do you always be energized and enabled. How do you feel and look flawless. Is it by doing a insane amount of reps for a trick or tricking line. Is it about only flipping when you feel like it? Today learn how to be flawless with your flips to where you don't hit your head on a advanced trick like the kong gainer.
Your goals don't care how you feel. You got to get a sauna, cold shower, or any other therapies going for you so you can up your game and get what people aren't willing to struggle to get. Biohacking becoming superhuman is something you do not something you have. Your struggles must match your strengths. Get in the room with biohackers. Get in the room with superhuman flippers. Sam Walton said, The best way to learn is to ignore the ninety nine and do what the one person out of the one hundred says. Know who to listen to but than act on it. Have a education budget where all your fiances will go to traveling, mentors, masterminds, coaches etc. Set aside 1/3 of all your money to go toward education. I've been to results not a state is whats going through my mind as I'm writing this blog while traveling. I'm in Kansas just having traveled from MO Springfield. Check out my previous blogs and you'll figure out how to be more flawless.
The friz of the moment a feeling not a thought. High performers have high healing routines. Recovery destressing routines. Take your melatonin especially in this post industrial age. When artificial blue light hits your retinas all day your melatonin and circadian rhythm is jacked up so take your adaptogenics. Your 20 servings of greens. Daily cumulatively giving your body what it needs to thrive. Forgoe the pleasures of the world be stoic anticipate the events your gonna be experiencing with 110% of your body whenever you eat or go about life. Be flawless by knowing the pillars the bases. Base one, two, and three before you get your home run. This is my third time writing this right here right now right here right I'm gonna say. My progress didn't save again while I wrote a really long paragraph because I was in are car with no internet. Aside from this I was prepared and I remember what I wrote. Here it is.👇
Invert always invert the great Charlie Munger says. Think fowards and backwards when investing. Life is all about cost analysis. Know when to get in and when to get out. Know when your not happy so you know when your happy. Prepare for the worst and plan for the best. Vert in latin means to turn, so turn your unflawlessness into blissful flawlessness. Your gonna have suck days for your flips but you just got to deal with it!
Stay up to date with what's poppin on this fire blog that might burn your eyes(your flawless though?) if you don't subscribe and check out the previous blogs.👇