Trick or treat you ask and they say trick so you whip your insane hefty backflip on the person. You do corks and tumbling passes in public, school, and the mall with your cut up cloth that your using for a ninja suit. You feel great and can't wait to get some content going during halloween. Your anticipating the other videos you have to make and want to make on halloween as your shooting one already. Your a social media, people, self, real ninja! Today learn how to be a real life ninja for halloween in public.
Are ninja's legit real people? Is the hype overated? Have you seen a ninja just flipping in public randomly throwing confetti all over the place? The life we live are the lessons we teach so get into your ninja states of mind not just on halloween but everyday. Smash the day or be smashed!
This just popped up on the flow of thoughts in my brain and thats to be hallow for halloween. You do with your friends the hallow body challenge on a pullup bar or on the ground. If you think the content you'll make is trash make it! Close your eyes visualize. Start doing. Stop worrying and start living. People can only help themselves. It's subconscious when it comes to people doing stuff that jeopardizes you so you just have to continue to be a thermostat and rise above their standards. Don't be the guy who has to explain everything. Just live everything. If doing burpees before every meal is what you do it's what you just do.
People like transparency especially when it comes to videos because it's pretty raw with videos especially raw uncut ones. Sheesh you may be thinking picking your brain on these blogs, but again still finish still make your content. Because your struggles must match your strengths to be strengths. Love the grind and make a video like I'm making where I challenge my friends to hold the hallow body the longest or to hold the longest back bridge in front of someones door😂 You completely dominating these challenges against your friends is entertaining. Making content more memorable means grasping peoples attention because the art of memory is the art of attention. Be a real halloween ninja this year by asking questions like how am I? Where am I? When am I? Soon before you'll know it you'll be at the front of someones house doing a backbridge just staying their like a spider while the person looks at you weird. They remark, "I can see you you know." Uhhh you say, "It's just a illusion I'm invisible you can't see me." Than throw an egg at them and run away. Honestly my bet is that they will just laugh and even if cops get involved your a, "invisible ninja."😂
Stay up to date with what's poppin on this fire blog that might burn your eyes (ninjas escape fire though) if you don't subscribe and check out the previous blogs.👇