Style is important for flips. If you don’t have individual style your gonna be apart of the majority. Be apart of the minority today. Style is a state your in and you. State the situation your in acknowledge it and be you!
I just spent 3 hours writing very creative useful blogs while in a car and nothing saved because I was writing them in a car offline and my computer decided to shut off i will use google docs to type offline from now. Reliability is very important and it's what charlie munger talks about. This loss is an opportunity though to consider my previous blogs. The first one that I wrote which I spent days about thinking than a trip from Springfield MO, to Kansas oklahoma writing.
Go with the flow but truly. Eliminate stress and live longer. Go in nature it's healing and healing is important especially for flippers. Go to know you have to go to know. Focus when injured. Still huck the fundamentals.
Style while flipping is about hacking the fundamentals so heavily that your able to add like a flash kick to your backflip without much thought without the stress. The decision fatigue. How you have style is by being upside down is by not looking at cool stylish flips but actually doing them.
You don't have creativity you do creativity. I would like to make this blog as concise as possible, but you need to know where, when, what, who, why, and how to have awesome sauce style with your flips. Go check out Solomon Berg and than create more than you've consumed. Wake up determined and go to bed satisfied. Go do your thang. Go do your style! Self Taught, “yle.”
As I'm writing this a thought popped up that fits nicely into this blog. Well it 's more of a question for flipper and that question is, "Why do people stop and praise me and ask for another flip while I'm doing a session in my yard while when your in public flippin people don't stop there body to praise me like they do with their cars? My second question is, "Have you ever had a car throughout your flipping session or someone praising, talking, shouting at you?
Style ties into the fact the skateboarding is like flipping. We started out on a flat board than as we got good riding the flat board or good at just the backflip then we started using the corners of the board or a twist while flipping. Than we started jumping other boards with are board. We started flipping other people. The potential that humans have is still untapped and we are on the brink of something pretty substantial with flipping right now. We can do pretty powerful things. We have more recoil in are legs than kangaroos. We have new muscles we're finding out in are body. This time is an exponential time so don't tell me you don't have your own style.Get those compression shorts. Those hats, those scrunchie, resistance bands, crazy shoes!
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