Today learn how you can flip off of your friends and have a much deeper reason to do so! Doing good and doing great are not mutually exclusive. Good is the enemy of great. Convictions are the enemy off truth. "Trust, but verify." "You cant delegate what you don't know and flipping off of people or managing them is what delegating is!."
Foward roll kip up frontflip. 360 dive to arabian round off backflip. Backhandspring to frontflip. Frontflip to frontflip. Frontflip to backflip etc. Are just a few of some weird movements that will chalenge you and that’s what today is about. Looking foward to new horizons, can be doing the same movements over and over again to where they become easy and so easy that your able to add moves to it. Today learn how to, “flip off your friends.”
Flipping off your friends is more about than what I just said it’s about creativity, imagination, and challenge that keeps you going. Sometimes you just gotta wake up some days and shoot a YouTube video on, “100 backflip challenge.” You got to live time not pass time, not get caught up in other peoples horrible habitual ignorant behaviors *like my parents*
Overcome generational poverty which is a mindset that keeps you and your children fat not just mentally, but physically, and therefore financially.(study) by using your subconscious power to overcome limited beliefs,” here” (it’s one of my most important blogs that’s helped numerous people.) Not only make crazy videos, but make the weirdest human movements what I mean is have creativity for cardio, flips, finances etc. Train creativity or else you'll not want to keep doing it therefore because you don't desire change you’ll remain unfit. I have a bcakward roll backflip you guys can watch here that I’m trying to learn.
Train what nobody wants to like arabians because no one has good ones. Therefore flip off your friends!
Glad these can be of sustenance for your mind and body. Thanks for being open minded and reading my blogs it really helps me make more specific blogs to help you in the present moment.🙂 Stay updated and join the birdflock to inevitably overcome obstacles in life by subscribing and picking your brain at the previous blogs.
How to Get Worlds First (Motivational)