Today learn how to turn the cap off your life, and start flipping therefore with no cap!
No cap just send it and you do this through progressions. You do this simply by doing it but you cant simply do it if you don’t have the, “simply do it mindset.” Train your brain than the body in this blog I made, “here.” and all the previous blogs which are completely and utterly neccessary. I recently just one day ago before writing this got a new learn and that was a backflip off my right foot and a little bit before this a a round off backflip on my right side as well. My new goal is to learn a round cork, double full, scoot full etc. off my right side instead of all toward the left. This is how I’m keeping no cap with flips. If someone comes up to me and spits a weird combo out I’ll be like, “Aight dis gonna be like butter.”*Backflip, frontflip, right leg switch cork, to left leg switch* *I got that mug I’ll do it again* *Backflip, frontflip, right leg switch cork, to left leg switch* “Ummm okay uhhh I was just joking I didn’t expect that!” Get no cap on your flips today!
Glad these can be of sustenance for your mind and body. Thanks for being open minded and reading my blogs it really helps me make more specific blogs to help you in the present moment.🙂 Stay updated and join the birdflock to inevitably overcome obstacles in life by subscribing and picking your brain at the previous blogs.
How to Get Worlds First (Motivational)