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Life in a Teenagers Sense

Writer's picture: Damian EisoldDamian Eisold

Having lasting impact in this world means doubling down on with every aspect of your life that you can. You must humble yourself. For those who want to save their life will lose it and for those who want to lose their life to find it. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. How I’m getting the big gains in life is by having good self talk. Good, positive beliefs therefore behaviors how I do this is by creating more than I consume and doing what gets results. Beliefs trigger certain behaviors.

What I'm Throwing

I throw a one-two McGregor not the one to three Mayweather.

I’ve done many things stressful but your struggles must match your strengths. Every day is an opportunity to get better you must have the fundamentals, the good form down, the concrete things. In order that you have a good foundation. You can only build on strengths and that foundation. Move upwards from there go away from your phone for seven years and learn about what it is you want to be better at than everyone in the world. Once accomplished you have the permission from yourself to go back onto your phone. Don’t follow the majority follow the minority what is your, “MTP?”

Surround yourself get mentors to bring you through the day. The growth of your solution to your massive transformative problem you want to solve in the world. We live in an exponential time where it no longer takes 10 years to get a business going you can get a business going in one day! Technology like voice typing allows you to do things so much faster!

I am walking and voice typing this I have to be deliberate and articulate about my words, and it’s just as fast as if I was typing, but life is a journey there are moments in valleys and moments on mountaintops your attitude helps determine your altitude. It would be awesome if we could just do voice type for blogs, but you have to go back and retype because your words don’t always come out how you want them to. I’ve learned through pain plus gratitude that you have to adapt to the world. I’m adapting as I’m speaking about my story or at least that’s what this spell was originally about. And what all the other blogs are about. Success breeds success and who I am. What I do, how I do, where I do, when I do, and why I do what I do is what all the blogs are about. Very powerful stories, not just ideas that look cool, but something that sticks in your brain and makes you better fly over the obstacles you have.

Stories are very powerful and I’m telling you about my story today I’m turning my story into a case study so that people can emulate it.


Just because we’re doing a lot more nowadays doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot done you can go to my other blog and know about my beginning, my origins, “here.” but these past 1 to 2 years I’ve been trying to add value in this world and really live every day as if it were my last. I could do without getting sucked into your past and “online presence.” as much, but that’s the price I’m willing to pay. The price I’m willing to pay to get “there.” And who I am willing to “become.” are the two most important questions that have been leading my life these past two years.

When trying to change the body and mind your gonna be tired, anxious and patient which is good in the beginning but you need to have other characteristics to be consistent. I’ve learned that you must have more failures than successes. I’ve spent a whole month trying to reach out to people and help their website and while I was trying to grab their attention promoting I still feel gratitude everyday still loving the grind but not getting results being a kid not having money. “It takes dough to make bread.”

Patience and Life Lessons

I’ve had to wait for a device to go on in order to market vigorously. Vigorously to a sense that I went as efficient or fast as possible. I maximized time at the library where I went to use a computer. I was using the computer for my shop. While doing so much to try and make a little dough online only to have my shop not up and running to to budget. I still somehow in all this was able to do self reflection, to do just great self-improvement stuff, to listen to tons of podcasts, to bio hack my life, to be fit ancestrally.

One of the main reasons why am writing these blogs is to get out my knowledge because knowledge is only potential power until you act on it. This blog is a great vehicle to really bring the value to your eyes, to o your heart, and into your hands. Love is very powerful I’ve learned what’s important you love. I’ve learned what “comfortable” feels like. “I know thyself.” How am I strong? How am I a flipper? My how to if you would like to pick your brain on how to train the mind and body again my past blog from the origins I really feel like that set my foundations and was the how to.


I don’t know anyone who is not physically a good athlete and both mentally strong. The people that you think are strong and not smart are not what meets the eye. There’s never been anyone that’s been strong with their muscles and not strong with their mind. I’ve seen and felt this with people through my life. How so is that, “and it’s not a cocky thing,” but there literally hasn’t ever been anyone that has been faster than me or stronger in school. A person who appeared to be strong was actually not mentally or physically strong. I arm wrestled him and I beat him. *FYI as I’m writing this and bear with me walking is good medicine and I’ve been able to walk for many many minutes about an hour and be fine it’s only one you do un-biological things that you get hurt* Conclusively if your not mentally strong you won't be physically strong.

I’ve known some pretty good wisdom and how to be biologically fit i’m not gonna tell you how I learned these things. But what I am telling you is about what I know. A thought that popped in my head right now is, ‘’We could have sex with food by giving Grace,:thinking of everything that it took to get the food all the way to the plate that is in front of you and into your digestive system.

Who am I?

My story is not in the past or in the future it is right now we’re all the power is. Where everything is is here right now! I’m impacting the world using the great commission every day, day in day out. Prayer everyday day in and day out because where you do anything is where you do everything. This means next week is not gonna be a *pluh day. We are what we repeatedly do, so you can really simplify and concise things; this is a great skill. Living time not passing times is a great skill. All the stuff I’m spitting out to this blog that hopefully you’re diving right into is things that I think about day in day out. All behaviors are belief driven.

We’re here for God‘s appointment and you need to get out of your own way and go through the struggle and then after that you go into flow where you don’t even have to think about a stressful task or doing you’re just doing it. I feel like years have went by that were kind of wasted but I know that every day I’ve used because it’s gotten me to this day.

Within my fun, anxious, fatigued at times life I have God given talents that no one else has. One of them, Michael Jordan has as well; and it’s called being humble. Or very teachable. Most people only know what to learn like science, math, social studies, english etc. But not how to learn and keep info locked in and be “teachable.” When I talk to adults they say I’m smart. *There you go* when you use every day you become smart. When you actually use it and move. “When the body moves the brain grooves.” So if you can't move your body in a certain way and are touted not, “physically fit.” than you are not mentally fit as well as you could be.

My Journey

Being the best you can be or lessons that help you in the now or the best things I’ve learned in my journey of being a kid are as follows. Worry, anxiety, controlling, aggravating etc. stop! Most of the time you’re disabled by ignorance. Your disabled by ignorance because you don’t have the knowledge of the solutions in front of you just the problems. Rewiring the brain and everyday having a gratitude journal helps you double down on solutions. Solutions, wisdom, lessons, results etc. All come from people who fit the criteria I just listed, and these people we need to shut up and listen to. We need to listen to them and do what they say. We need to listen to them and do what they say and that means getting into the room with people that are ten times your current success. We need to actually listen and do what other people, mentors, coaches, and successful people say because success breeds success. I’ve for 2 years tried to make dough but the money never really came because I wasn’t listening to success. Now though the millionaires mindset and not working for a salary. Not working the nine to five job. Not living in a tyranny of expenses. But thriving with abundance, and helping other people excel. Having the resources that make you have financial freedom than prosperity than wealth impact.


If you have abundance right now in this moment that means you don’t need money because your in, “abundance.” There’s always always, “content” things you can do without the tool money. It helps but what can you do right now that will make you happy because money won’t. For me it is writing all these blogs and then using money as a tool to promote them. “When things are in abundance they lose value.”

“Same level of thinking that was trying to solve the problem won’t solve the problem.” -Albert Einstein Looking at quotes every day has substantially changed my life. Having a vision board has drastically changed my life.

Life and, “life as we know it.” is perception. Life changes because perception changes, not the other way around. Eventually you get what you focus on any state of being is always a time dependent phenomenon.


Whatever you want to accomplish go over to exponential thinkers that think so highly that success is inevitable, “Singularity Hub.” and pay for the coach! They know what they are doing and they serve as your new brain for a while taking the stress off your shoulders. They make great decisions for you that brings results because you can’t have inevitable success without knowing your racehorse and your racecourse. Coaches have the right racecourse that fits your horse they have ten years of experience that you don’t need to suffer through because you never know when your gonna get hit by a bus. So invest in the coach which is really just a part of your brain. You are not them you are your thoughts quite literally soo…

I don’t have money at the moment and I will keep asking myself, “how can I.” for problems that need this tool instead of, “I don't.” I want so much things that cost money, but the biographies of past successes were successful yet did accomplished their solutions at 14 y.o. They didn’t wait for money because the world responds to seed, not to need. Again have coaches again we live in exponential time and you don’t need a coach that costs money you can get a coach that won’t cost a dime just your time. I have an assortment of thoughts as I’m walking and talking into my phone, but these thoughts are the logistics of my journey, past two years, story, life lessons. Glad these can be of sustenance for your mind and body. Thanks for being open minded and reading my blogs it really helps me make more specific blogs to help you in the present moment.🙂 Stay updated and join the birdflock to inevitably overcome obstacles in life by subscribing and picking your brain at the previous blogs.


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