Learn what a typical week is like for a flipper. For gtrampers, hobbiests, professional flippers, circus flippers, and sponsored flippers.
I’m editing this in the wee bee hours of the morning, and I know that my performance will reak when it comes to me greasing the grove. The reason being is that I had hydrogenated oils last night which for some reason whenever I eat the highly processed bad peanut butter I don’t get quality sleep and only sleep seven hours and wake up with too much energy from the peanut butter. I'm editing this blog while my mom oddly uses the portable sauna in my room. I’m editing this blog looking back on yesterday with fake happiness though knowing that I shouldn’t off had high inflammatory peanut butter.
I’ve went into the inboxes of many flippers to see what they do on a weekly basis. Today learn what I have learned from them. Some were althletes while some were just amazing flippers having fun, and the althletes I’m not gonna spoil it for you right away, but the athletes had more discipline I’d say.
If you’re an athlete that means you train like an athlete. Training is not just about what you eat it’s also about what you think and say. Flippers usually are smart, have a positive mindset, and pursue flipping as a hobby. What this means is that flippers aren’t super strict about flipping. However some people are like me and, “workout.” doing kettle bell training, weights, calisthenics and flipping. Some people just do flips for training and these people usually have other things going on in their life like a sport to attend too. People that are apart of the grav gang have smoothies and healthy stuff for the majority of time and they’re usually busy. And when you’re busy at least this is in my case when I speed up I don’t eat as much food. *My body is very adaptable I can run on barely any food. And I can run on a lot of food. But when I mindfully slowly eat maybe so I do it too slow but when I do this I end up eating a crap ton of food.*
Really good flippers that live in the UK, Amsterdam, Australlia, Germany, Finland etc. where the weather is bad; they go to the gym a couple times a week or twice a week and then play video games. Fliplikez plays video games some flippers separate sessions from a trampoline session, to a ground session, to a air track session, to a gym session etc.
For my sessions I warm up inside then go out into the cold weather and I still flip. If your a true athlete of awesome you train don’t overthink it just, “train.” “🎵Weather or never doesn’t matter whether the cold or hard, the life I’ve been givens a gift and Im’a live it for christ.” You see Instagram flippers going at it in life all the days! I’m a, “instagram flipper.” But that a be not who I a be a am truly am though. (my life, my story, all that I am, all that will be, and all that is, be thankful, “here.”)
“It takes one to know one.” And I’ve slided into the DM’s of flippers and what I’ve found is that at least with G trappers they eat protein powder. The majority of them don’t even focus on diet rather just getting better at flips. This can be good because if you don’t eat a high volume of food and even if the food is a little bad as long as the volume of it is low and you don’t spike your insulin really high you’re good to go. What that speel means is that you can eat moderately bad as long as you only have a frequency of 2-3 meals a day. OMAD (one meal a day) is even better for not spiking insulin. The majority of kids oxidize fat 30 to 40% more than adults,*study which says that kids do good on a fat diet and no carbs.* so kids barely need much food to run on at least if kids are getting the right fats, micro, and macro nutrients. But if they’re not then they will not be fat adapted like we’re supposed to be and kids will be eating a lot throughout the day and being skinny fat or fat on the inside, but not on the outside. “That was my speel and something I’m passionate about.”
I didn’t ask flippers this question, “Do you watch Youtube?” They just told me that they did in their usual everyday, “flipping life.” What I found asking these primary questions, “What do you love doing from when you arise to all the way until you go to bed or late at night?” “Any special nutrition, or anything special that helps you because health is also about what we think, do, and say?” Flippers are thinking, and talking about flips! Lots of flippers when they’re not flipping watch videos about flipping.
Kid’s watch flippers, and have more time to flip this is why they are so stankin good! They don’t have a job except to regurgitate the schools information while people that are not in school like plan zero, *he has a side hustle that’s a clothing brand that he works on when he’s not flipping or editing. He has different priorities than the kids I direct messaged.
I found that the priorites of the people I directed messaged was that they, “Albeit they wrote it down.” (priority for them) Is that they eat breakfast and train when they can. _hughdoege_, edwinxflips, daniel_coffman_ig, all eat breakfast etc. And you can ask daniel_coffman_ig about what food he eats and it’s, “whatever food is in the house.” This is also the same with an amazing flipper, blake.flipz. He also eats protein powder, and cobrapk57 the type of food he eats is, “Imagination.” This is what he said, “I’m not a pro flipper so I don’t really know about them but if you want to know..for me..I always think of what can I do...what level I have...and what I will do tomorrow. And to your question, “I just train in every afternoon when I can…” -cobrapk57 “This shows you that flippers have some similarities furthermore lets look at a few more stuff I gathered.”
“Jodan.kondo.” on Instagram said, “Umm I flip, go to school, walk down to a park right after school, train for about an hour, go home do homework, go out on my trampoline and flip some more, I go to karate (been going for nine years) Flips after karate, eat dinner, finally I edit my flips and check my Instagram. “This tells us that sports can spark other sports like tricking *which is martial arts and flips mixed* People have different interests, but for flips the origins are very similar. You see a person flip and you think in your mind, “Oh I want to do that!.”
Where verttijasberg’s flips originated from was, “YouTube.” as his answer to my questions that I put in a long paragraph were, “Well I spend a lot of time just watching YouTube and instagram and I’m talking to my freinds a lot. And I also workout and stretch. I hangout with freinds. I dont do a lot tbh. I flip so much and I do so much for flips. “Anything special/personal I asked.” “I flip after school and in the weekends in my backyard, nothing special.” Theirs lot’s of people that had chill lifes and because of this I believe it’s why they progress with flips so readily. Though some people workout to improve their flips or do a sport in the meantime for a,”kind of chill life.”
fliplikenick_ falls into the, “kind of chill life.” category because he trains often and does what he calls a, “ordinary workout for jumping higher (and generally more power) just standard, workout in the gym or at home.” Their is a lot of people who workout and flip, but the important ones that you can get value from are dominick hughs, erik freerun, and jujimufu. Anymore than this and you’ll dillude the value of what they have.
The value I got from elflipz was this. “Train hours a day to keep the losses away because if you don’t use it you lose it.” He edits his videos in the mornings than goes to school than trains for ⅔ hours and I believe we should all be able to huck pocket flips *flips you whip out anywhere that are like nutella* all day and the hard tricks for at least an hour. And I’m positive flippers that train for hours a day actually don’t do flips for the majority of those hours, but a combo, or just one trick. A upperbody routine, or just swinging off the bar spending an hour overcoming the brains limits.
That’s been a typical week I’m going to go inside my house and do a flip session because it’s wet and really cold outside. One more thing I have my weeks and days planned out and this helps a lot because I anticipate success when I’m not being successful. Hope you have a better understanding know of how chill flippers lifes can be verses how hectic they can be. Be smart and flip better by reading up on my previous blogs. Up your game by reading up. Cross the day or be crossed by the ultimate one and only Jesus. Subscribe and study my blogs or else be studied, and make it the best day ever. Hay you may get updated of a blog post today that will help you specifically. You can help yourself and become superhuman by starting with this, "blog." And the ones below thanks for investing one of your most valuable assets and thats your time today!😊
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