Do you want to escape pain and lack of happiness whenever it comes your way? Today learn how to not only flip over the obstacles but to do parkour and free running as well.
The bird flock no sunflower obstacles my house and just enjoying it I post value real value that is bite-size chunks that is made in the way to fit this post industrial age busy minded wired. Super stimulated society.
Today I’m not saying whenever you feel depressed just start getting a sweat on sweating every day doing something you love doing flips and what who and what not because you have abundance in this one but right now they don’t need anything else because you already have everything you need in this moment we’re all the power is. Today I am saying however that you should be a polymath and adaptable you should be able to have a 5% we can life be a extrovert once in a while only 5% of the time even though you may be an introvert. When situations come like a pipe been broken in your house do you want to know a little bit of a plumbing so you don’t get ripped off about the guy coming to your house this is an example of 5% week we have google nowadays and we can learn at a rapid pace like no other generation.
Escapism habits like television, food, video games, working out, musturbating, and master bating again is not what this blog is about today but being adaptable and able to have multiple solutions like flipping over situations, freerunning, and parkouring.
Do you have to be adaptable in the this day and age, because it’s not the survival of the fittest but like Charles Darwin said the species that adapt that truly thrive. This world is not black-and-white it’s about competition and you must realize this and this may be harsh truth but because this must have ESS and for more stability and the rest of this info start here and then here is the whole playlist of all the steps.
There’s no elevator to success you have to take the stairs sometimes you can’t just flip over situations take the elevator you have to free run take the stairs you can work out your adapt muscle every day by doing something uncomfortable every day and why this is important is because it is not those who do what they want but those who do what they really want and get what they deserve that succeed if you want to be outstanding you must be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Be outstanding by doing what nobody does and thats to implement what people say and actually have your life be transformed. Subscribe to this blog to stay updated because one day you may find yourself reading a blog specifically for you that will pull you through the rest of the day! Thanks for spending your time on this blog. Where else are you spending your time?😊
How to Get Worlds First (Motivational)