Learn today how to backflip better. How to backflip better than yourself therefore everyone! Bruce Lee said, “No self no enemy.”Use the wall behind you technique that you need to clear in order to backflip better than your friends today.
You have to have a sternum that is willing to be flexible and pulled up while you’re flipping just imagine a string attached to you pulling you up. This is important for pulling the rest of your lower body up. Once you pull up imagine that you’re sitting in a chair for a little bit so you keep getting maximum height then do your tuck and land smoothly. Speaking of landign smoothly I have a blog on how to make your flips more smooth, “here”
If you want to get quick results with your backflip you need to do something called greasing the groove. I have a blog on it here and this is important if you want to be a true flipper. Don’t you want to be able to whip out your pocket flips which are flips you can do without warming up anywhere? You can’t get what you don’t ask for so also make your backflip look better by reading my previous blogs and exploding through your calfs pointing them down so you fully spring off the ground and then flip your toes back up to your knees.
You backflip better than anyone else by getting your tech down for it on lock. How you do this is by doing a backhandspring type of backflip where you lean back on your heels than push up through your legs than the rest of your body. Getting maximum height for the backflip is crucial. This crucial flip is my two cents.
My previous blog I recently made about being able to play with your flips. About how to play with your backflip. You can only do this once you grease the groove at least 6 to 10 times a day. You can improve any body movement by doing it!
Glad these can be of sustenance for your mind and body. Thanks for being open minded and reading my blogs it really helps me make more specific blogs to help you in the present moment.🙂 Stay updated and join the birdflock to inevitably overcome obstacles in life by subscribing and picking your brain at the previous blogs.
How to Get Worlds First (Motivational)