Flippers have healthy bowl movements and obey the allostatic taste change. Today learn if your moving properly because when the body moves the brain groves. The body positions we go into do effect are psychology. Quite literally are physiology effects are psychology!
The way your body's positioned(physiology) will impact feelings in the body or hormones. Doing these power poses even for just a minute will improve your mood, and youthful happy hormones like testosterone, "here." Don't be skeptical about the poses in the video because when done on a regular basis, when looking up and smiling in a struggle, when being on the side of stoicism, not epicurism you make lemonade with the lemons you've been given. Furthermore I'll be telling you if you've been actually moving properly.
Properly Moving?
What is properly moving? Isn't properly moving just being able to shuffle your way to the fridge and back to the couch? Isn't it being able to walk for a mile than needing to stop? Isn't it being able to do one burpee? Catching your kid from falling is usually a vary out of the blue thing, and your capable of doing it, but what if pull a muscle doing it? Sadly this is what happens to a lot of people. Frailty takes its toll. Properly moving than is a trained habit and not out of the blue. Walking / standing all day you should be able to do with ease especially if you don't workout your legs. Doing burpees you should be able to whip out at least ten minimum whenever, and if you can't than that means you need to start properly moving more throughout the day and getting blood flow. My previous blog I made I talked about the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, "here." You must balance the two. You must be able to sprint away from a bear upon waking up out of a parasympathetic state into a sprinting sympathetic state. High intensity interval training or even just every hour or so doing jumping jacks, burpees, sprints, high knees really balances your hormones, reduces oxidative stress, and improves blood flow. I grease the grove everyday by everytime I leave my room or after my 45 minute timers go off I do pullups, dips, handstands, burpees, and muscle up training. I hack my environment to stay fit. If you do 20-30 minutes of hiit (high intensity interval training.) 2-3 times a week if your a beginner it will optimize your hormones, and you want be in such a parasympathetic state all the time of recovery, slower heartbeat, slower breathing, and storing of fat, but a sympathetic state of higher heart beat, breaking down of muscle, and burning of fat.
Fit or Frail?
Being not frail, but able to evade a predator at moments notice is what proper movement is about. I can huck pocket flips especially when it's humid in the summer any time of day. I can huck right now a b-twist backflip, webster, and not frontflip yet which would hurt more than the others already do. Working your muscles is gonna hurt, and you must stimulate them for growth, not destroy them. Sadily peoples fight or flight muscles aren't in sync and the majority of people can't do a quick 30 squats because they sit to much. Not being cocky, but I before meals to improve my glycemic variability and to shuttle the food I'm eating into muscle verses fat drop and do burpees or 50 squats in a row, and because it's just a habit I don't wake up the next day with sore glutes. The simple act of doing a 30 second high intensity activity before a meal and than a post strandial walk 40 minutes after a meal improves health dramatically (study) because your balancing the parasympathetic state and sympathetic state.
Grip strength is a big indicator of longevity and most of the time we don't have are arms above are head but a forward bad posture. You can decompress your spine, and develop steel shoulders by hanging 7 minutes throughout the day. You can breathe through your belly while developing steel hips that are also loser through squat holds 10 minutes throughout the day. These two things you can easily implement into your 1440 mintues you have in a day can help you move properly. Also doing flips, breakdancing, rythmitic gymnastics, and especially capoeira
Move more as you age because motion creates emotion, and studies show walking especially in nature decreases stress. If your moving properly you ought to be doing it. With flips, running, and jumping. Most people don't have the best technique they could with bio-mechanic movements like running. *don't push bounce like a pogo stick while running that's how are legs recoil works* We have four times the amount of recoil in are legs than kangaroos meaning in a endurance event we'd win, but all other mammals wouldn't because they'd overheat they can pant, but we can use are 2-4 million sweat glands to cool us down. (study)
If you wan't to move properly and tune back into your instincts you can check out Health Instincts YouTube channel and start going for walks, or mile runs because where born to be hunters and gathers. We're born to outrun an animal until they overheat. You can be in a, "hunter and gatherer mode." all day by greasing the grove. (my blog on it) And when you engage your type two fast twitch muscle fibers like with high intensity weight lifting. Sprinting, and lifting heavy things you improve the amk1 gene which keeps your telomere length long, and therefore you live longer. Enough of that rant just start properly moving! A flipper flips, not just trains flips after warmed up! Please move in a nice fashion that improves flips by checking out my recent blogs, and subscribing so you'll be updated whenever a dire blog like this comes out. Thanks for tuning into your instincts today😊
How to Get Worlds First (Motivational)